Monday, March 29, 2010

Eddie Pettis

This listing has been added.

Justin Moore

This entry has been updated.

You Can Add Things, Too

If you find something particularly interesting that relates to the directory material - for example, an interesting article or chart - post a comment. If it's interesting but doesn't fit, I might add a page of links outside the project but on the site.

Another Note

When I get to the bottom of the college football list I will go back down from A to Massey to check what I did. Once I have done that I will start adding signals as they are explained on the directory page. I probably will use red lights to show that I failed to get a site. If I go down the list and don't find the entry again, it will be hidden. If I find it later I will re-add it.

Brian Miller

This listing has been updated.

That Catches Me Up plus a NOTE

Okay, those are the new entries and changes. The rest won't be coming so fast. I will let you know when there are more. This is your directory. Currently I am only working on the College Football page. The next thing I will do once it is complete is to add the "Additional Links" page information. That page will be replaced with a page that lists all the sports each person(s) rates and links to get to those pages. The NFL page will be next, followed by the NCAA Basketball page. I'll keep you updated. So send that information about the college football listings because you want this directory to be clean and function well. It's your home base.

David Mease

This listing has been updated.

Two More Missing

I've added two more missing raters to the LIST.

Brian McAtee

This entry has been updated.

Scott Maurer

This listing has been updated.

Martien Maas Changes

There have been changes to Martien Maas's listing.

Since I Have your Attention ...

This was previously a list of raters that have disappeared. Some showed up and most of them won't. In any case, if you find anything that needs to be updated, including your own site, post a reply here and it will get to me. Then I will update it as soon as possible.

Kenneth Massey Completed

Okay, all is well, now. Kenneth Massey and all the list up to his entry has been updated.