Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Finished All I Could

The College Football Rankings page has been updated somewhat. I had intended to get down to Gupta but my bedtime has come and gone. I will have to continue this later. The entries that have signals are the genuine new directory. Between the last signal and Gupta not all the entries are legitimate but hit and miss. After Gupta they are fairly reliable because none have been changed.

Getting Ready to Start Updating Pages

Most of the College Football page is ready. I'm going through it, adding links from the Additional Information page. After that, I will go through all the entries to apply the green and yellow signals. Green means the current ratings are set up and yellow means the ratings are outdated but expected to be posted later in the season. I also have to change some of the link wording so that everything is consistent. After I post the College Football page the NFL page will be next.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Brian Fremeau

The Fremeau Efficiency Index has been added to the directory.

Better BCS

The pre-season MegaRanking is posted at Nutshell Sports.

Dan O'Malley

Dan's Rankings have been added to the directory. Most of the new ratings being posted were located by Jon Rogers.

The First Action of the Season

The latest and first NCAA Oddsmaker Ranking is now posted at Nutshell Sports. There's not a lot of change from last season.

Kenneth Massey

The College Football Ranking Consensus has been added to the directory.

Brian Boggo

Boggo Team Rankings has been added to the directory.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Getting Closer

Both the new season and my progress are getting closer. I did manage to get my site back in order after the chaos of moving everything to the newer laptop. I also added a new CFL entry thanks to Joe Kasulis, the maintainer of the CFL list. Next week is looking good. I have a lot of finishing up to do.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Jon Dokter

Entropy has been updated. I forgot to tell you.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Give and Take

The part of my web site I maintain for David is on my newer laptop. My part of the site is on the old laptop. Unfortunately, the old laptop no longer comprehends the home wi-fi. It does, however, understand the wi-fi from my Samsung Epix. That would be fine but I don't want to pay for an extra line just to upload my web site. My new Palm Pre is the greatest phone in the world except for two things - its Google Maps app doesn't let me log in so I can get my saved locations (Google's fault) and, as far as I know, nobody has written an application so that I can use the wi-fi on my Pre to upload files from the old laptop. I could pay AT&T twice as much to tether the laptop to the Pre but for that price I could have two data lines and there wouldn't be a problem except for the money flowing out of my pocket. So today I am going to have to move the partial web site to the new laptop. Bummer.

Get Your Ratings Posted

Kenneth Massey is compiling his college football Ranking Comparison. If yours are ready, let him know.